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Intake follow up

It's important you get the intake questionnaire in advance of the Roadmapping session (we recommend at least 7 days before). It's worth sending a follow up email as the date gets closer to nudge your clients to get it completed. You will use this to create an agenda for the session.

Hi [NAME],

I just wanted to check in to see if the dates and times we proposed for the Roadmapping work for you.

As a reminder, this was [DATE] [TIME] (The session may last anywhere between 2-4 hours – with breaks!).

I also wanted to make sure you are on track to get the intake questionnaire over to us by this coming [DAY]?

I realise this is pretty soon so if you don't think you're going to be able to get it to us in time, just let me know and I will readjust our schedule.

Thanks so much!