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Roadmapping welcome

If you have an assistant, this is a great email for them to send. It introduces them as the project manager and welcomes your client to Roadmapping.

Hi [NAME],

[YOUR ASSISTANT NAME] here – it's great to meet you and I'm looking forward to working with you! My role is to take care of all logistical things (like invoices/general admin/project management) so if there's anything you need on that front, just email me here.

What to expect from your Roadmapping session

Roadmapping is the first thing we do with almost all new clients. This enables us to do a deep dive into your business and come up with the exact marketing strategy that you need to drive your business forward. 

We're looking at getting you scheduled for the [DATE] at [TIME]. Let me know if that works for you and I’ll get the invite sent out. 

Next steps

The invoice for your roadmapping session has been emailed to you, and you can also find a direct link here.

Other than that, the only thing we need from you at this stage is for you to fill out our intake questionnaire which you can find here: 


We'll need this completed by [DATE] to give our team a chance to go through it beforehand. We will then send you an agenda for the session so you know what to expect. 

The final report will be delivered within 7 days of the session, and you'll have the chance to follow up with any questions or clarifications. We can also tell you more about how [AGENCY NAME] could further help you if that's something you'd be interested in. 

That should be everything. Thanks so much, and if you have any questions let me know 😀