Here it is: a first look at the new block editor coming in Client Portal 5.0. This is currently in beta and due to be released by mid-January 2024.     In this video, we cover:   What the new editor looks like from the backend How to style each block Editing the menu […]

I remember getting my first MacBook.   I was 17 and had just started a course in graphic design. Like many people, we didn’t have a lot of money growing up so I never had the latest, well, anything.   But my mum was adamant that I needed a laptop for college. And not just... […]

When it comes to high-value client projects, getting the documents and deliverables right is crucial. You don’t want to go overboard with too much information (and you don’t want to include fluff documents), but you do need to give your client everything they need to trust that you’ve got this.   High- […]

In this article, we are going to delve into one of the most effective strategies to attract potential clients: creating educational content (also known as lead magnets) to showcase your expertise and build credibility with your clients – or potential clients.   We’re also going to go through how you can use Client Portal to... […]

One of the best things about Client Portal is that it forces you to really think about your process and the deliverables you're giving clients.   Most business owners have a process, but it lives mostly in their heads. They go through roughly the same steps with each new client and give roughly the same... […]

Featured Image of "What I learned at Europe's biggest WordPress conference"

Last month, I (Laura 👋) spoke at WordCamp EU – the biggest WordPress conference in Europe (and, some argue, the world.)   Going into it, I was terrified on the morning of my talk.   Whenever I’m asked to speak at conferences, I seem to always go through the same five emotions:   Elation. ”OMG... […]

In the previous article (check out “Do I still need Client Portal if I have a project management tool” if you missed it) we talked about why project management tools are better to use internally with your team and not with your clients (that’s what Client Portal is for!)   But another question cropped up... […]

If there was one question we get asked the most here at Client Portal, it’s some version of “I already have a project management tool, can I still benefit from Client Portal?”   The answer is a big YES!   In fact, Client Portal was built as an addition to project management tools, not a... […]

Our Client Portal customers are often amazed at how many different use cases there are for it. Once you get what Client Portal does, you start to see infinite possibilities for its uses.   ​"I am so glad I found Client Portal. It is very flexible and will help me grow from being a freelancer... […]

Today's update to Client Portal will be a game-changer to those of you who sell products using WooCommerce. From today, you can now use WooCommerce to sell access to any of your portals.   Here's how it works:   1) Set up any Client Portal templates that you'd like to sell. These […]