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Collate notifications into digests

If you or your clients are getting too many notifications from Client Portal, you can opt to collate them all into daily or weekly digests. Here's how:

1) Navigate to Client Portal Settings - Notifications and click on the Digest tab at the top.

2) Choose whether you would like daily or weekly digest. You can also specify which day and the time you'd like these to be sent.

3) Edit your email subject and content. To see the digest, you need to make sure the tag {latest_activity} is somewhere in your email template.

4) Customize your digest contents. To choose which notifications you'd like included in the digest, you can click on any of the notifications at the top and choose whether you want it included – and whether you want it sent to yourself, your clients, or both.

Please note: The Client Created and Client Uploaded notifications can only be included in the digest emails for yourself.

Having problems with notifications not sending correctly?

Check out our help doc here to help troubleshoot any notification delivery issues.