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I don't have WordPress, can I still use Client Portal?

Client Portal is currently a WordPress plugin so you will need WordPress (in some form) to use it. But if your website uses another CMS (like Squarespace, Wix, or Webflow) and you still want to use Client Portal, there is a way!

Setting up a new WordPress website to host Client Portal on

You can set up a brand new website to host your portals on in less than 10 minutes. The benefit here is that it's totally separate from your main website so you don't need to worry about mixing up portals with the rest of your website.

Here's a video that goes through exactly how to get set up:

Setting up a subdomain

If you would prefer to have your portals on a subdomain of your website (think portal.yourdomain.com) instead of a completely new domain name as shown in the above video, here's how to do that:

First, set up a subdomain for your website. E.g. portal.example.com. Here's how to set up a subdomain with some popular domain registrars:

Next, you'll need to sign up for a hosting plan. You can either use the same host as your main website, or choose a different host. For example,
Bluehost is fairly inexpensive and has a 1-click WordPress install functionality.
Install WordPress on your new subdomain. Here's how to install WordPress on a subdomain with some popular hosting companies:

That's it! Once you've set up your subdomain, you can now install Client Portal by following the steps here.

And when you are ready to show your clients their portals, they'll be located at your new subdomain address with /client at the end. For example, portal.example.com/client (where portal is your subdomain, example.com is your main domain, and /client takes you to the Client Portal login page).