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How do I edit the ‘Phase 1, 2, 3’ etc. text?

Start from v4.3.6, you don't need the old codey way below to edit the string in functions.php.

We've already added a new option in Client Portal Settings and each portal called "Phase X Text" that you can change "Phase 1, 2, 3" to "Section 1, 2, 3" etc.

If you also want to remove the "numbers" from it, just add the following CSS to "Custom CSS" in Client Portal Settings:

.leco-cp-phase-text i {display: none;}

To hide it completely (hide the whole "Phase 1, 2, 3"), use the following CSS:

.phase-title .leco-cp-phase-text {display: none;}

To hide it only for some projects, as always, you can specify the project ID like:

.postid-212 .phase-title .leco-cp-phase-text {display: none;}

We recommand you remove the previous PHP snippets from your functions.php and use the above approaches.

Old Codey Way

Woah there! This is an advanced workaround for Client Portal. Make sure you backup your WordPress website or edit via your FTP before changing any codey things.

Here's how to edit or remove the 'Phase' text in Client Portal:

In WordPress, navigate to Appearance -> Editor.

On the right hand side, click on Theme Functions (functions.php).

Remove the "Phase X" text altogether

To remove the 'Phase' text completely, paste in the following code snippet at the bottom of functions.php.

function my_leco_cp_remove_phase_x_text() {	
	$text = '';	
	return $text;

add_filter( 'leco_cp_phase_x_text', 'my_leco_cp_remove_phase_x_text', 10, 2 );

Remove the number from "Phase X"

To remove the phase number, paste in the following code snippet at the bottom of functions.php.

function my_leco_cp_remove_x_text() {
	$text = 'Phase'; 	
	return $text;

add_filter( 'leco_cp_phase_x_text', 'my_leco_cp_remove_x_text', 10, 2 );

If you also want the Phase text to say something different, simply switch out:

$text = 'Phase';

And change 'Phase' to whatever you want it to say.

Replace the "Phase" with "Section" (or any other word) in "Phase X"

To replace the word 'Phase', paste in the following code snippet at the bottom of functions.php.

function my_leco_cp_change_phase_x_text( $text, $number ) {	
	$text = 'Section ' . $number;	
	return $text;
add_filter( 'leco_cp_phase_x_text', 'my_leco_cp_change_phase_x_text', 10, 2 );

In the above snippet, change the following text to say whatever you want:

$text = 'Section ';