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Private File Uploads

This is a new feature introduced in CP version 4.6. This allows you to select Private file upload when selecting the module type. This support doc will explain how to use it and some notes to be aware of.

What is the difference between the physical and virtual URLs of my private files?

Every time right after you upload your files to a Private Files module, you can get your physical URL from the right side of the modal, and you can simply copy and paste it to your browser URL to see if you can view or download the file. This is the test to make sure it's loaded correctly to be private. 

view the URL in a private upload in CP

It’s very important that you NOT be able to view or download it with the physical URL. If the file is still accessible, and you have done the server config (if you are on Nginx), that means your private files folder is not locked down correctly. Please contact our support team right away, and we’ll ask for your WordPress and FTP access to check things out for you.

On the contrary to physical URLs, virtual URLs are URLs we create for all your private files. They are encoded in a certain way, and with such URLs, when people try to access them, we can also check if they have the correct permissions (if they are the clients of the project or an administrator) to download them.

If they don’t have permissions, they’ll see the following screen and cannot download it.

no permission message in CP

Known limits

  1. We don’t support images (jpeg, jpg, png, and gif) and audio files (mp3 and ogg) in Private Files module. There is a technical reason that we find it’s still possible to access those file types with their physical URLs in some cases, so we decided not to support them. If you’d like to have them as private files, please ZIP them first so you can upload to the system.
  2. Currently, Private Files CANNOT be exported and imported correctly. That means that if you’d like to export a portal that has Private Files, there will be errors thrown when you try to import them. We hope to make it work in a future release.

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