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How to change the 'Client Portal Archive' text

This is an advanced workaround for Client Portal and involves editing your functions.php file. Please ensure you have a backup of your website before making this change. If you're not comfortable editing the functions.php file of your website, you can use a free plugin like Code Snippets to help.

If you have multiple projects tied to the same client, when they log in they will show a dashboard of all portals assigned to them.

Follow the steps below to change the heading Client Portal Archive to something else.

First navigate to Appearance, Theme File Editor and find the functions.php link under Theme Files on the right hand side.

Then, paste the following snippet at the bottom of your functions.php file:

function my_leco_cp_client_portal_archive() {
	return 'Your Projects With Us';
add_filter( 'leco_cp_client_portal_archive', 'my_leco_cp_client_portal_archive' );

The above snippet will change "Client Portal Archive" to "Your Project With Us".

Simply change "Your Projects With Us" to anything you want, and you are good to go!