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Customizing the login page

Client Portal comes with a beautiful, branded login page out of the box. This is the page your clients will use to log into their portals. The URL will be yourdomain.com/client-portal-login

An example of the Client Portal login page

Quick tip: to preview the login page, make sure you are either logged out of your WordPress website, or use a private/incognito browser window.

To find your login page, simply navigate to Pages - Client Portal Login.

Screenshot showing where to find the login page

You can change the title of this page, add a short welcome message, or anything else you would like to have on your login page.

Editing the title of the login page

To update the branding on your login page, navigate to Client Portal - Client Portal Settings and you can change the logo and colors displayed.

Putting the Client Portal login form on an existing page

If you would like to use the Client Portal login form on an existing page in your WordPress website, navigate to Pages - All Pages and find the page you would like to use.

Then you can add a new block and choose the Client Portal Login block to display the form anywhere on your page.

Screenshot showing how to add client portal login to an existing page

Please note: When you embed the form on an existing page, the form will take on the styling found in your active theme. To use the Client Portal styled form, you will need to use the Client Portal login page detailed above.