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How do I add a new user to Client Portal?

Please note: This video is for version 5.0 + (using the Block editor). To see the legacy version documentation with the Classic editor, scroll down to Legacy Documentation.

Legacy Documentation (Classic Editor)

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Users -> Add New.
2Enter your clients information:

In the role dropdown, make sure you select Client. This is Client Portal's default role.
(Need to use a different role?  Here's how to assign clients to a portal using another role.)
4Click Add New User.

To assign your user to a portal:

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Projects -> All Projects.
Select the portal you want to assign the new user to.
In the Project Information tab, scroll down to find Client Accounts. Click in the field and a list of your users will appear. Click on the name of the user you want to add.adding a user to Client Portal
To add another user, click in the field and the list will appear again. You can add unlimited users and they each will access the portal using their own unique login and password. To remove a user, click the "X".adding multiple users to a project in Client Portal