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Getting Started Untitled-27

Customisation Untitled-27

Troubleshooting Untitled-27

Security Untitled-27

Users & roles Untitled-27

Working with Client Portal Untitled-27

Integrations Untitled-27

Legacy Documentation Untitled-27

How to install Client Portal

To install the Client Portal Plugin onto your WordPress website, navigate to Plugins, then click 'Add New'.

Then select 'Upload Plugin'.

You'll be asked to choose a file.

This is the zip file that you would have received in your purchase receipt email. It looks something like this:

Just upload the zip file as it is. Then you'll click 'Install Now', and 'Activate'.

Activate your license

Once you've installed the plugin, you'll need to enter your license key. This will give you access to our support and updates.

To do this, navigate to Client Portal, then Client Portal License, and add the license key which was also in your purchase receipt.

Finally, click 'Save Changes' and you're ready to create your first portal.