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The forgot password is not working on the Client Portal login page

If the forgot password functionality is not working for you or your clients, the first thing to do is check whether it is working on other login forms on your website. For example, if you go to yourwebsite.com/wp-login.php - test the forgot password functionality there to see if it works.

If it does not work, this is likely an issue on your website rather than the Client Portal plugin so you will need to involve your IT person to help.

If it does work, you may need to contact your hosting provider support to make sure the correct cookies are being set. WPEngine in particular seems to disables most cookies from their hosting to implement caches to speed up websites.

Here's a sample message you can send to them:

Hello there,

Our site runs with the Client Portal plugin and their forgot password function needs a cookie name starts with "wp-resetpass" to be working on their plugin login page, the URL is https://mysite.com/client-portal-login/.

Can you help us to set up this caching exclusion? Thanks.

Still need help? You can submit a support ticket here anytime.